
Knee Pain

Knee pain is inconvenient at best, and debilitating at ts worse. Solve your knee pain today!

We offer chiropractic and massage therapy to solve knee pain to anyone in Edmonton, Alberta. So you can move, look, and feel 10 years younger with better health and quality of life - without drugs or surgery!

senior on the ground with knee arthritis and knee pain

Understanding Knee Pain 

Knee pain is very common issue in Edmonton. Understanding the causes and using prevention strategies will go a long way to stopping it.

Travel stairs normally again

Knee pain, stiffness and tightness can make it impossible to go up or down stairs normally!

Return to work and life

Knee pain can make it difficulty to turn walk, get out of a chair and run. That ends today!

Get a good night's sleep

Knee pain affecting your sleep? People keep telling you "wow, you look tired!"? That ends today!

Common Causes of Knee Pain 

Here are some of the most common conditions we see in our office. Below we will discuss the following elbow-related pain conditions.

1. Jumpers Knee and Tendinopathy

2. Bursitis

3. Terndinitis

4. ACL and MCL injury

5. Meniscus Tear

6. Arthritis

person with knee pain having their knee examined by the chiroprctor

Knee Pain All Across Edmonton!

Jumpers knee is not just from jumping!

Jumpers knee,  also known as patellar tendinopathy or patellar tendonitis, is not simply from jumping to much. In fact, despite its name, jumpers knee can affect anyone, even if they don't jump!

It typically occurs due to repetitive motion or overuse of your leg muscles, leading to inflammation and pain on the front of your kneee on the patellar tendon.

Symptoms of jumpers knee include:

  1. Pain or tenderness on the front of your knee
  2. Weakness when trying to walk up or down steps
  3. Difficulty jumping, or running due to pain
  4. Pain that worsens with activities like running, jumping, etc

Our chiropractors are experienced in diagnosing and treating patellar tendinopathy ( aka. Jumpers knee). Utilizing a combination of manual therapies, exercises, and lifestyle modifications they help alleviate pain and promote healing.

A young woman jumping being silly

Solving Jumpers Knee

a runner out for a run, holding their knee because of their knee tendonitis acting up

Effective Treatment for Knee Pain

Chiropractic care and massage therapy offers effective treatment options for jumpers knee and other forms of knee pain.

Here's how we can help:

  1. Chiropractic Adjustments: Gentle adjustments to the elbow joint and surrounding areas can help restore proper alignment, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.
  2. Soft Tissue Therapy: Techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy target tight muscles and fascia, promoting relaxation and improved circulation.
  3. Therapeutic Exercise: Customized exercise programs aim to strengthen the muscles around the hips and legs, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.
  4. Acupuncture and IMS: Acupuncture and IMS are effective methods at solving your pain due to tendon problems, such as in tennis elbow.
  5. Shockwave Therapy: This method of treatment is very effective for tendon pain conditions. Patellar tendinopathy is one of the main conditions that shockwave therapy is commonly used to treat.
  6. Posture Correction: Poor running and jumping posture can contribute to knee pain. Our chiropractors can provide guidance on proper technique and postures to reduce strain on your knees.
  7. Lifestyle Modifications: Making changes such as modifying activities that aggravate symptoms, using proper equipment and technique during physical activities, and incorporating rest and recovery can support healing and prevent recurrence of knee pain.

By addressing the underlying causes of your knee pain and providing comprehensive care, our chiropractors and massage therapists strive to help you achieve long-term relief and improved function.

The good news?

We can help solve your tennis elbow!

If you need help solving your elbow pain, schedule an appointment today!

a man holding their painful knee due to knee bursitis

Knee Bursitis

Bursitis is painful.

Inflammation of the bursa - small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints - can lead to pain, swelling, and limited range of motion in the elbow.

There are a few different ways in which bursitis occurs. 

The most common cause is from trauma. If you smack your knee, it can cause the bursa to swell and expand. This can cause a large puffy, swollen and painful knee.

It can also occur from repetitive movements and strain, such as from running or jumping. 

Bursitis typically causes a mild to mooderate amount of swelling. Your knee may feel "Full" or "stiff".

It is not uncommon to have some warmth due to the inflammation.


If you have scratches and scrapes on your knees along with bursitis, you should get it evaluated. Infection is a possible cause of bursitis. If an infection has gone through the skin via those scrapes, it can spread quickly and really do some damage. 

The treatment options for knee bursitis is pretty short. Here are a few...

  • Rest - just stop hitting your elbow and in a few days or weeks it will resolve.
  • Ice - ice is nice at reducing inflammation, and reducing pain.
  • Acupuncture - This can help reduce the pain associated with bursitis and speed up healing
  • Improving lower extremity biomechanics- this will help 'offload' the knee from the activities causing the excessive strain. 
  • BONUS** If there is an infection, you need antibiotics.

The most important aspect to treating knee bursitis is to stop provoking it. This means stop hitting your knee, or over stressing it. The bursa need times for the swelling to resolve. 

Knee Tendonitis 

Knee Tendonitis Pain is due to injury and inflammation of the muscles and tendons

Tendonitis in the knee can happen to any of the muscles and tendons that cross the knee. This includes patellar tendinitis, distal quadriceps tendinitis, hamstring tendinitis, pes anserine tendinitis for example. 

It is a result from inflammation and microtears in the tendons around the knee joint. Tendonitis is often caused by repetitive stress and overuse, leading to pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

The good news about Knee Tendonitis??

Chiropractic and massage therapy are effective, non-invasive treatments to alleviate your tendonitis pain!

Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractors are highly effective in treating knee tendonitis. They employ a range of techniques to address the underlying causes of tendonitis, including joint manipulation, soft tissue therapies, radial shockwave and ergonomic advice.

Gentle adjustments to the pelvis, hips, knee, and ankle joints and surrounding areas help restore proper alignment and reduce stress on the tendons.

This decreases inflammation, alleviates pain, and improves overall joint function. Additionally, our chiropractors can assess and correct any biomechanical issues or posture problems that may contribute to the strain on the knee.

Stopping the pain in its tracks and prevent tendonitis returning.

Massage Therapy

Our massage therapists are also helpful in speeding up your tendonitis recovery.

By targeting the soft tissues surrounding the knee with techniques such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy, they will help you get better.

These therapies work to relax tight muscles, improve blood circulation, and break down scar tissue, which can reduce pain and facilitate the healing process.

By enhancing the flexibility and strength of your thigh and leg muscles and tendons, massage therapy helps restore normal movement patterns and prevents further injury.

Regular massage sessions can also provide relief from the chronic pain associated with tendonitis, improving your quality of life.

Lets face it, massage feels great, and its nice to be able to walk up stairs without pain, too!

Combined Approach

Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy offers a comprehensive treatment plan for knee tendonitis. They work well together to help you move better, feel better, and live life better

If you have tendonitis, we recommend leveraging the strengths of both chiropractic care and massage therapy so that you can achieve effective and lasting relief, paving the way for a return to an active and pain-free lifestyle.

ACL and MCL Injury

Injured ACL, MCL, and Meniscus are common causes of knee pain

There are only so many structures within the knee.

The collateral ligaments (both medial and lateral collateral ligaments - MCL and LCL) hold the knee together, and stop it from shifting side to side. 

The two cruciate ligaments (anterior cruciate ligament - ACL - and posterior cruciate ligament - PCL) stop the knee from shifting forward and backward.

a knee brace on a mans leg

The meniscus (medial and lateral menisci) are the 'cushions' between your femur and tibia. They provide cushioning, and a smooth surface for the bones to glide on top of.

How do you injure the ACL and MCL?

The ACL and MCL are the most commonly injured ligaments in the knee. This is because they undergo a lot of stress with rotational movements. 

For example, imagine you are baking up a storm in the kitchen. You grab the cookie tray out of the oven, and you turn to put them on the counter top.

You've just twisted at your knee, placing stress on the ACL and MCL.


Thump...(thats the noise of you hitting the ground)

Football Player taking a knee on the field

Now imagine you are playing football, running down the filed. You stiff arm the linebacker, and then spin off of the safety.

 When you spin, your foot digs into the ground, and doesn't rotate with the rest of your body. All the rotation occurs in your knee as your foot is planted.


Torn ACL, and MCL.

This is how many ACL/MCL injuries occur in sport - non contact injuries.

Symptoms from an ACL and MCL Injury

There are many symptoms of an ACL and MCL injury. Here are a few...

  • Sharp pain, often giving out.
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving your knee.
  • Pain that worsens with certain movements or positions, such as turning, twisting and bending.
  • Swelling. Sprains result in mild to moderate swelling. A full tear can cause your knee to fully balloon.
  • Muscle spasms in your leg, and pain shooting both up your thigh, and down your leg.

At our chiropractic office, we offer a variety of therapies aimed at treating an assortment of knee pain issues. The conditions listed are the most common, however not all encompassing. 

Tendonitis, sprains, strains, meniscal tears, bursitis, patellofemoral pain syndrome, patellar tracking syndromes, arthritis...all these problems can be helped!

The following therapies are non-invasive and focus on restoring proper alignment, reducing inflammation, and improving the function of the hip, knee, ankle and foot. Here are some of the therapies we provide that can help:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulation, involve gentle, targeted movements of the spine and extremities to restore normal movement and reduce pressure on the joints. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate pain and improve mobility in your elbow.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Soft tissue therapy techniques such as massage therapy, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy can help relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation in your knee and leg. These therapies can complement chiropractic adjustments by addressing muscular imbalances and promoting overall relaxation and healing.
  • Acupuncture and IMS: Various needling techniques have been found to be beneficial for those with knee pain. It is helpful at reducing inflammation, reduce pain, and reduce muscular tension.
  • Shockwave Therapy: Radial shockwave therapy is a tremendous tool at treating chronic pain issues, especially tendinitis and tendinopathy. 
  • Therapeutic Exercise: Specific exercises and stretches targeting the muscles and ligaments surrounding the knee and leg to help improve strength, flexibility, and stability in your knee. Our chiropractors can prescribe customized exercise programs tailored to each patient's needs to support long-term recovery and prevent future injury.
  • Posture Correction: Poor posture can contribute to the development of knee pain by placing excess strain on your knee. Our chiropractors can provide guidance on proper posture and ergonomic modifications to help patients maintain optimal alignment and reduce the risk of exacerbating their symptoms.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, practicing stress management techniques, and avoiding activities that aggravate elbow and arm pain can play a crucial role in managing knee pain and overall health.

A Multimodal Approach to Solving Knee Pain

By combining these therapies, our chiropractors aims to provide comprehensive care for individuals suffering from knee pain. Our goal is to address the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction in your knee, restore optimal body biomechanics, movement, function, and empower patients to actively participate in their recovery and long-term wellness.

If you're experiencing knee pain, and would like some help to fix it, give us a call!

Bottom line - if you are tired of struggling with knee pain, our chiropractors and massage therapists can help!
