
Hip Pain

Hip pain isn't just inconvenient. It can make daily tasks near impossible! Walking, running, getting out of a chair...all challenging.

We offer chiropractic and massage therapy to solve hip pain to anyone in Edmonton, Alberta. 

man standing on a beach with severe hip pain from hip arthritis

Understanding Hip Pain

Hip pain is very common in Edmonton. Understanding the causes and using prevention strategies will go a long way to stopping it.

Be able to walk

Hip pain, and stiffness can make it impossible even to walk.

Return to work and life

Hip pain can make it difficulty to get dressed, play your sport even work.

Get a good night's sleep

If people keep telling you "wow, you look tired!"? That ends today!

Common Causes of Hip Pain

Here are some of the most common conditions we see in our office. Below we will discuss the following hip pain conditions.

1. Hip Arthritis

2. Hip Bursitis

3. Tendonitis

4. Gluteal Tendinopathy

5. Iliotibial Band Syndrome

6. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

man with hip pain and sciatica

Portrait of casual 50s mature Asian man hip pain, pressing on hip with painful expression, sitting on sofa at home, medicines and water on table.

Hip Arthritis Strikes Edmonton!

Hip Arthritis can be debilitating!

You may know all about hip arthritis - a common condition affecting the hip joint - leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

As your cartilage deteriorates, bones can rub against each other, causing significant discomfort and inflammation. This pain can become so severe, it can make walking, bending, or even sitting for extended periods impossible. Left untreated, hip arthritis can severely impact your quality of life, making it difficult to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we understand the challenges hip arthritis poses and are here to help. Our personalized treatment plans focus on reducing pain, improving joint function, and enhancing overall mobility. By addressing the root causes of hip arthritis, we aim to relieve your symptoms and also improve your overall well-being

If you are looking for help to get back to doing the things you love without pain, you've come to the right place!

Symptoms of hip arthritis may include:

  1. Pain or tenderness in your hip, and down your thigh and leg.
  2. Weakness, sometimes causing you to be unable to put weight on your leg.
  3. Difficulty moving your hip and leg. The pain, stiffness and lack of mobility become apparent
  4. Reduced mobility causing difficulty doing daily tasks, getting dressed, walking stairs and more.

Our chiropractors are experienced in diagnosing and treating hip conditions, including hip arthritis. By utilizing a combination of manual therapies, exercises, and lifestyle modifications they can help to alleviate the pain and promote healing without surgery. 

Sometimes we can hold off on surgery for years. other times you may not need surgery at all. We also help with your pain and function if you are on the surgical wait list. 

No matter what stage of hip arthritis you are dealing with, we can help!

an elderly man standing holding his right hip because of the arthritic hip pain

Solving Hip Arthritis - Without Surgery

Elderly woman holding onto her right hip, and leaning on her cane, all because of arthritic hip pain

Effective Treatment for Hip Arthritis

Chiropractic care and massage therapy offers effective treatment options for pain from hip arthritis and other forms of hip pain.

Here's how we can help:

  1. Chiropractic Adjustments: Gentle adjustments to your lower back, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle can help restore proper movement, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.
  2. Soft Tissue Therapy: Techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy target tight muscles and fascia, promoting relaxation and improved circulation.
  3. Therapeutic Exercise: Customized exercise programs aim to strengthen the muscles in your hip, leg and back, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.
  4. Acupuncture: Acupuncture and IMS are effective methods at helping alleviate pain and improvement movement that is lost with hip arthritis.
  5. Posture Correction: Poor posture and ergonomics can contribute to hip arthritis. Our chiropractors can provide guidance on proper ergonomics and posture to reduce strain on your carpal tunnel, and wrist.
  6. Lifestyle Modifications: Making changes such as modifying activities that aggravate symptoms, using proper equipment and technique during physical activities, and incorporating rest and recovery can support healing and prevent recurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as hand and writs pains.

By addressing the underlying causes of your hip arthritis pain and providing comprehensive care, our chiropractors and massage therapists strive to help you achieve long-term relief and improved function.

The good news?

We can help solve your arthritic hip pain!

If you need help, schedule an appointment today!

Hip Bursitis

Hip pain can ruin your day

Do you limp more and more the further you walk? Can't sleep on that side? Taken a fall or tumble?

Do all these things cause pain on the side of your hip?

You may even have pain ache down your thigh and leg.

The pain can make doing anything very painful and near impossible to do.

You may have hip bursitis, sometimes known as trochanteric bursitis.

How Does Hip Bursitis Happen?

When you walk, run, even sit down on the couch...these activities cause forces to travel through your joints and surrounding tissues. These forces cause stress.

When the bursae (small sac of fluid that provides lubrication for high friction area's, like oil in your car) undergoes too much stress and friction, it can become inflamed.

This is hip bursitis.

Hip bursitis happens for one of two reasons:

1) Trauma such as a fall on you hip, causing the bursa to become inflamed

2) Inappropriate biomechanics and movement of your hips and legs, causing excessive stress and friction on the bursa. This causes inflammation.

The treatment options for De Quervain Syndrome

  • Rest - reducing the stress and strain on the bursae, giving it time to recover.
  • Ice - ice is nice at reducing inflammation, and reducing pain.
  • Acupuncture - This can help reduce the pain and help alleviate the muscular tension
  • chiropractic - your chiropractor can use a variety of therapies to help resolve the pain, correct the biomechanical dysfunction and help you recover.
  • Massage Therapy- a great option to alleviate inflammation, and reduce muscular tightness, spasm and pain.

The most important aspect to treating hip bursitis is to stop provoking it, and to re habilitate it. This means following your healthcare providers advice!

Hip Tendonitis 

Pain from tendonitis is due to injury and inflammation of the muscles and tendons

Hip tendonitis results from inflammation and microtears in the tendons around the hip. This is very common in the gluteal muscles - glute medius and minimus - , iliopsoas, adductors and hamstrings. Tendonitis is often caused by repetitive stress and overuse, leading to pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

The good news about and and wrist tendonitis??

Chiropractic and massage therapy are effective, non-invasive treatments to alleviate your tendonitis pain!

Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractors are highly effective in treating hip tendonitis. They employ a range of techniques to address the underlying causes of tendonitis, including joint manipulation and mobilization, soft tissue therapies, radial shockwave, acupuncture, IMS, and ergonomic advice.

Gentle adjustments to the pelvis, hip, knee, ankle and foot joints help restore proper movement and reduce stress on the tendons. This decreases inflammation, alleviates pain, and improves overall joint function. Additionally, our chiropractors can assess and correct any biomechanical issues or posture problems that may contribute to the strain on your hip, stopping the pain in its tracks and preventing tendonitis returning.

Massage Therapy

Our massage therapists are also helpful in speeding up your tendonitis recovery.

By targeting the soft tissues surrounding your hip, back and thigh with techniques such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy they will help you get better. These therapies work to relax tight muscles, improve blood circulation, and break down scar tissue, which can reduce pain and facilitate the healing process.

By enhancing the flexibility and suppleness of your hip and leg muscles and tendons, massage therapy helps restore normal movement patterns and prevents further injury. Regular massage sessions can also provide relief from the chronic pain associated with tendonitis, improving your quality of life.

Lets face it, massage feels great, and its nice to be able to lay down and walk without pain!

Combined Approach

Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy offers a comprehensive treatment plan for hip tendonitis. They work well together to help you move better, feel better, and live life better

If you have tendonitis, we recommend utilizing both chiropractic care and massage therapy so that you can achieve effective and lasting relief, paving the way for a return to an active and pain-free lifestyle.

Gluteal Tendinopathy

Gluteal tendonitis or tendinopathy - What is the difference?

Tendinitis, tendinosis, tendinopathy...what is the difference!?

The main difference is semantics - kind of. Lets break down the words. 

Tenon = the tendon.

"-itis" = inflamation.    

"-osis" = there is no inflammation, but some degenerative changes occurring within the tendon causing pain.      

"-opathy" = there is pain.

Why Do These Semantics Matter?

Do you treat an inflammatory condition (i.e., tendonitis, bursitis, etc) the same as a degenerative condition?


While there are similarities, treating an inflammatory condition requires 'anti-inflammatory' measures. Treating a degenerative condition requires breaking down scar tissue, adhesions, stimulating tissue regeneration, and loading the tendon to strengthen, and desensitization.

The good news is that both chiropractic and massage therapy in isolation and when combined are able to help with all these types of hip pain. 

If you are finding it impossible to get rid of your hip pain on your own, let us help. Schedule an appointment today!

There are many symptoms of gluteal tendinopathy

Here are a few...

  • Pain on the side of your hip
  • on and off pain on the side of your hip
  • pain getting out of a chair
  • pain getting out of the car
  • pain laying on your side
  • pain that gets worse the longer you walk
  • pain that feels better once you start to move, but gets worse if you move too much

Several factors can contribute to the development of gluteal tendinopathy pain. These include:

  • Sleeping in positions that stress your hip
  • How long the pain has been there? New? On and off for years? Constant?
  • Repetitive stress from poor posture or occupational activities
  • Diet & exercise habits
  • How often do you stretch and exercise your hips?
  • A history of injuries such as a motor vehicle collision, a fall injury, or trauma.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer a variety of therapies aimed at treating hip pain associated with gluteal tendinopathy. These therapies are non-invasive and focus on restoring proper movement, reducing inflammation, and improving the function of your hip. Here are some of the key therapies we provide:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments, also known as joint manipulation, involve gentle, targeted movements of the spine and extremities to restore normal movement and reduce pressure on the joints. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate pain and improve mobility in your body.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Soft tissue therapy techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy can help relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation in your elbow and arm. These therapies can complement chiropractic adjustments by addressing muscular imbalances and promoting overall relaxation and healing.
  • Therapeutic Exercise: Specific exercises and stretches targeting the muscles and ligaments surrounding your hand, elbow and arm to help improve strength, flexibility, and stability. Our chiropractors can prescribe customized exercise programs tailored to each patient's needs to support long-term recovery and prevent future injury.
  • Shockwave Therapy: a regenerative therapy, aimed at breaking down scar tissue and adhesions. Shockwave therapy stimulates tissue regeneration, and pain reduction. It is a fantastic tool used to treat tendinopathy.
  • Posture Correction: Poor posture can contribute to the development of hip pain by placing excess strain on these area's. Our chiropractors  provide guidance on proper posture and ergonomic modifications to help patients maintain optimal alignment and reduce the risk of exacerbating their symptoms.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, practicing stress management techniques, and avoiding activities that aggravate your hip pain can play a crucial role in managing gluteal tendinopathy and promoting overall health.

By combining these therapies, our chiropractors aims to provide comprehensive care for individuals suffering from hip pain and gluteal tendinopathy. Our goal is to address the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction in your hip, restore optimal body biomechanics, movement, function, and empower patients to actively participate in their recovery and long-term wellness.

If you're experiencing gluteal tendinopathy pain, and would like some help to fix it consider giving us a call.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If you have burning and aching pain on the side of your thigh and knee, you may have iliotibial band syndrome.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is a common overuse injury that affects the iliotibial band—a thick band of fibrous tissue running along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee. This condition occurs when the IT band becomes tight or inflamed, often due to repetitive activities like running, cycling, or walking long distances.

When the IT band repeatedly rubs against the outer part of the knee, it can cause pain and irritation, leading to symptoms such as sharp or burning pain on the outside of the knee, swelling, and tenderness.

ITBS can significantly hinder physical activity and, if not addressed, may lead to chronic discomfort and reduced mobility.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer a multi-faceted approach to treating ITBS, focusing on relieving pain and preventing recurrence.

Our treatments include chiropractic adjustments to correct any misalignments that may contribute to IT band tightness, as well as massage therapy to reduce muscle tension and inflammation. We also provide guided stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility and support the muscles around the IT band, helping to alleviate strain and prevent future issues.

With our comprehensive care, we aim to not only relieve the symptoms of ITBS but also address its root causes, enabling you to return to your activities pain-free and with greater resilience.

The good news is that both chiropractic and massage therapy when combined are able to resolve iliotibial band syndrome!

If you are finding it near impossible to get rid of your hip and ITBS pain, schedule an appointment today!

Treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Treatment options include rest, tape, massage therapy, chiropractic, anti-inflammatory medications, and in severe cases, surgery to release the tendon.

By combining these therapies, our chiropractors and massage therapists aim to provide comprehensive care for individuals suffering from hand and wrist pain. 

If you're experiencing iliotibial band syndrome pain, and would like some help to fix it, then give us a call.

Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

If you want to be able to walk in 5 years, you need to rehabilitate your greater trochanteric pain syndrome!

Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS) is a condition characterized by pain and tenderness on the outside of your hip. 

This syndrome often results from inflammation or irritation of the structures around your greater trochanter, a large bone on the side of your hip that the gluteal musculature inserts onto.

The causes of GTPS typically include repetitive stress, overuse, or injury to the hip muscles and tendons, particularly the gluteus medius and minimus. You may experience sharp or aching pain on the outer hip, which can worsen with activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or lying on your affected side. If left untreated, GTPS can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life, making getting around nearly impossible.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer effective treatments for Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome to help you find relief and restore function.

Our approach includes first our Holistic Health Evaluation TM to determine the exact cause.

If indicated, we often will use chiropractic adjustments to improve hip alignment and reduce stress on the surrounding tissues. We also provide specialized massage therapy to alleviate muscle tightness and inflammation, promoting healing and reducing pain. Additionally, our tailored exercise programs focus on strengthening the hip abductors and improving flexibility, helping to prevent future flare-ups.

Our goal is to address the underlying causes of GTPS, alleviate your pain, and help you return to your normal activities with improved mobility and comfort.

How to maximize your hip pain recovery

Maximizing recovery from hip pain involves a combination of treatment, manual therapy, and self-care stretches and exercises. Here are some strategies to ensure the most effective and efficient recovery possible.


Follow your healthcare providers advice: You would be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't be?) at how many patients don't follow recomendations from their healthcare provider. Whether they can't, won't, forget, or don't want to I'm not sure. But following the experts advice is a good idea

Manual Therapy

Start Early but Safely: Begin treatment. The sooner a problem starts recieving appropriate treaaatment, the better off you are. If you wait until you are 10 years into a problem, and now it is constant and terrible, obvioulsy it will take much longer to resolve - if we can help resolve it at all!

Professional Guidance: Work with a provider who knows what they are doing! They should  develop a personalized rehabilitation program for you that includes exercises for range of motion, strength, and flexibility.

Consistency: Attend all scheduled sessions and diligently perform prescribed exercises at home. The rehab is difficult and can take time. But if you don't take the time now, it will likely continue to be aa problem in the future. 

You schedule your time for what you care about. If you want to improve, you need to schedule the time in your day for it.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer a variety of therapies aimed at treating hip pain. These therapies are non-invasive and focus on restoring proper alignment, reducing inflammation, and improving the function of the hips and lower extremities. 

By combining the best therapies, our chiropractors aims to provide comprehensive care for individuals suffering from hip pain

If you're experiencing hip pain, and would like some help to fix it consider giving us a call.

Bottom line - if you are tired of struggling with hip pain, our chiropractors and massage therapists can help!
