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Been In A Vehicle Collision?

Conquer Whiplash.


Book Cover for the book titled "Conquer Whiplash" by Dr. Joseph Tanti, a chiropractic orthopaedic specialist

One of the best things you can do for your health after a whiplash is to be proactive to recover

Up to 1 in 2 people injured, or hurt in a vehicle accident end up with chronic pain. Dont let that happen to you!

Being proactive, and taking the necessary steps to optimize your chance of making a full recoveyr is vital. This includes hands on therapies from practitioners who treat theses specific injuries every single day.

Having the correct guidance on the therapies, strategies, and tool you must use on your own, to optimize your recovery.

What is more, is having the correct exercises, stretches, and tools at your disposal, so that you can proactively help your injuries heal, and improve your health. 

If it was going to "get better on its own", up to 50% of people wouldn't have chronic pain afterwards! This iss why if you've been in a vehicle accident, and are dealing with symptoms such as whiplash (up to 83% of people in an accident do experience symptoms), then you MUST take aaction.

The sooner the better. This is why I have written this book. So you know the steps you need to take, so you cana conquer your whiplash, and get back to living your best life!

The information within could be the difference between regaining your independence, reducing yoru pain, getting back to work, hobbies...getting your life back.

How do you know if you're injured? Take theses 5 quick tests

  1.  10-second balance test

    Stand comfortably near a wall with your arms in any position you choose. Lift one foot an inch or two off the floor so that you are balancing on the other foot. Do it again with your eyes closed (use a spotter if needed!)

    If you can’t hold this position for more than 10 seconds, you may have been injured!

  2. Full Range of Movement
    Can you turn your head left, and touch your chin to your collar bone? To the right? Can you touch your chin to your chest?

  3. Pain Free
    Are you stiff, sore, or have pain after the collision? Sometimes this even happens a week or two later!

  4. Jaw clicking, popping or locking?

  5. Headaches, dizziness, vertigo, or just feeling 'off'?

Conquer Whiplash  has everything you need to increase your chances of making a full recovery. Whether you've just been hurt, or its been decades, and your reliant on pain medication just to get through the day.

  • A road map of the steps you need to take to transform your body so it is better than before!
  • The best exercises you should be doing.
  • Useful self care tools that you can use today

PLUS, you get a Special Bonus Section at no extra cost with

  • FREE RECOVERY BLUEPRINT call with the author, Dr. Joseph Tanti
  • A free guide to "healing in the fast lane" (email [email protected] and I'll send you a copy!)
  • A chance at getting your life back, and to live pain free!
  • Do your best to stop chronic pain from happening to you!
  • Prevent being robbed of your independence.
  • Ease and prevent whiplash pains and symptoms
  • End the stress
  • Gain clarity and confidence in knowing what you need to do
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased mobility
  • No more headaches
  • No more pain
  • Get back to living life again!
  • And so much more!

About Dr. Joseph Tanti D.C., FCCOS(C), DIANM

My goal is to help alleviate your pain, improving your mobility and optimizing your health and wellbeing!

The alphabet soup behind my name means that I am a Fellow of the College of Chiropractic Orthopaedic Specialists (of Canada), and a Diplomate of the International Academy Neuromusculoskeletal medicine. 

To put it in simple terms, I am a Specialist in treating people with pain and injuries to their joints, muscles, tendons, discs, ligaments and nerves. Essentially, if you have a pain or injury to your body (not an organ) I can help!

They Say

Patricia Stransky

Dr. Tanti took the time to fully explain how he could help me. But before offering me a treatment plan, he consulted with my Physiotherapist ensuring that the plan was right for me. 

Dr. Tanti was NOT going to do anything I was uncomfortable with. For example, I am not comfortable having my neck ‘cracked’, so he used other methods to provide me with relief.

After one month, I felt the best I had been since the accident over a year earlier! Better yet, now I’m completely off the pain pills!

Dr. Tanti and the folks at Capilano Chiropractic treated me very well, and have been instrumental in giving me my life back. I can do regular household chores without experiencing excruciating pain and have taken up some of my hobbies that I hadn’t been able to do, like gardening. I feel better than ever! The folks at Capilano Chiropractic are incredible!

Jacqui Holmes

When I describe my time with Dr. Tanti to friends that also see a chiropractor, they’re amazed. 

Dr. Tanti has been amazing at developing a respectful, trusting relationship with me.

Dr. Tanti takes the time I need to put me at ease with him, his treatment recommendations, and chiropractic.

If you ever find yourself suffering from chronic pain, headaches, or pain from trauma, DON’T try your luck on Google! Give Dr. Tanti a try. I know you’ll be grateful you did.
