In pain and looking for relief? You're in the right place!

Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness

Trusted Chiropractors In Edmonton, AB

Chiropractic orthopaedic specialist, Dr. Joseph Tanti and his team of chiropractors & massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta, can help you with pain relief without addictive or dangerous drugs - so you can get back to LIVING life!

Jacqui did it, and so can you!

You can get out of pain, fast, completely rehabilitate your injuries, and get back to LIVING life! (without addictive drugs)

I understand the challenges of dealing with pain in your spine and joints while trying to maintain an active lifestyle. You can break free from pain, fully rehabilitate your body, and reclaim your ability to live life to the fullest!

As a chiropractor, and chiropractic orthopaedic specialist with years of experience treating spine and joint-related aches, pains, and injuries, you get personalized care, including a comprehensive rehabilitation program designed to address your unique needs.

Whether you're struggling with arthritis, recovering from a catastrophic injury, or seeking to improve your health, we are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.

Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you, and speak with a specialist today.

Hours We Are Open


Monday 8:00 - 6:00

Tuesday 2:00 - 5:00

Wednesday 8:00 - 6:00

Thursday 2:00 - 7:00

Friday 8:00 - 4:00

Saturday 9:00 - 12:00

*Closed 12 - 2 for lunch

**We will come when we are closed on Saturday and Sunday if you ask nicely, and we will happily charge an absurdly large fee :)

Massage Therapy

Monday 9:30 - 2:00

Tuesday 9:30 - 2:00

Wednesday 9:30 - 2:00

Thursday 3:00 - 9:00

Friday Closed

Saturday Closed

"Its like magic! I feel so much better!"


"I couldn't hold onto anything. Now I can!"


"I feel so great, I could jump to the ceiling!"


"The pain was permanent...but now its gone!"


"My foot feels great, and we had the perfect holiday"


I would highly recommend Dr. Tanti. I went to see him for chronic headaches and had relief after my first appointment. He has a holistic approach and truly listens to his patients.

Meagan Jakubec

Google Review

After suffering from a chronic SI condition I visited Dr. Joe Tanti at Riverbend Chiropractic. His manner is warm and welcoming and treatments are professionally administered. I also like that he is treating my back issues in a more holistic by including therapeutic exercises which I can undertake at home. A five star review for Dr. Joe.

Sherri Rourke

Google Review


Spine conditions are one of the leading causes of pain and disability world wide. You don't have to be part of that group!


Joint pain and injuries can ruin your day, and affect your life. The good news is you don't have to suffer any longer!


Arthritis impacts over 2.4 million Canadians. While there is no 'cure', it can be treated, and often the pain eliminated, and function restored!


Headaches affect 50% of people. The most common type of headaches - migraines, tension headache and cervicogenic headache - greatly benefit from chiropractic care!

So if you are suffering with headaches, and would like help stopping them, we can help!


Migraines are more than 'just a headache'. They are a complex neurological condition, with head pain being one of the key features.

If you are dealing with migraines, we can help! I have found that if you are suffering with migraines that start with neck pain, you could have a nearly miraculous improvement with chiropractic care!

If you're migraine does not start with neck pain, chiropractic care when combined with a multi-pronged approach can be a game changer.

Neck Pain

Spine pain - including neck pain - is one of the leading causes of disability world wide. The cause of neck pain varies from  person to person.

The short list of neck pain causes are arthritis, muscle, joint, nerve, and disc problems.

The good news is that you don't have to struggle with neck pain anymore! 

Back Pain

Spine pain - including back pain - is one of the leading causes of disability world wide. If you have a foot problem, you can still get around and live life. 

When your back hurts, it makes it nearly impossible to do anything at all. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, even just standing up can be next to impossible. 

As someone who has dealt with serious back pain, I know exactly what it feels like. And I know that chiropractic care is the solution!

Disc Herniation and Bulge

Disc injuries are the leading cause of back pain, causing roughly 40% of all back pain.

These injuries can cause symptoms that range from local stiffness, to pain, to causing lighting, a hot wire, or fire to shoot down your leg!

The good news is that chiropractic care is part of the solution. It takes more than simply 'aligning' the spine.

Disc herniations and disc bulges require a comprehensive approach such as the one we use at Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness! 


Stenosis is a fancy word for describing a narrowing within the spine that often occurs as we age.

This condition will often cause back pain, neck pain, along with pain shooting into your arm or leg.

This narrowing causes a smaller amount of space for the nerve, along with all of the other neuro-vascular structures to travel through.

When there is dysfunction, restrictions, scar tissue formation in combination with stenosis, you will often experience the symptoms described above.

A conservative, non-surgical comprehensive approach to treating stenosis is often successful in significantly reducing the pain, and improving your function! Obviously no conservative therapies are able to cause structural changes to your spine.

However, we are able to make functional improvements, and I have often helped my patients suffering with stenosis become pain free!


Sciatica is a fancy word the medical community uses to describe leg pain. There are many potential causes of sciatica. These causes include a pinched or inflamed nerve, joint or muscle. 

While each condition can cause sciatica, they each require different treatment strategies. 

The good news is that we are experts in determining what is cause for your sciatica pain is, AND treating it!

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pelvic girdle pain is especially common during and after pregnancy. When you are pregnant, not only are biomechanical changes happening to your body, but hormonal changes as well.

You may have noticed feeling different? Food cravings? Unexplained happiness or bursting into tears for no reason at all? Feeling "hormonal"?

These hormonal changes also affect how you feel, and how your joints and muscles work, leading to pain.

This pain can even last postpartum. The good news is that we are experts in getting you feeling better, back on track, so you can focus on whats important - taking care of your beautiful baby, without having to worry about your pelvic girdle pain.

TMJ - Jaw Pain

The temporomandibular joint (often referred to as the TMJ) causes pain and problems for many people.

Whether from stress (clenching and grinding), or trauma (a fall, head butt or punch to the face), the TMJ can become injured.

Pain, popping, and locking are all common side effects. If you are dealing with TMJ problems, we can help!

Shoulder & Rotator Cuff

The shoulder is one of the most commonly injured joints in the body.

I've injured my left shoulder myself. So I know all about shoulder injuries, the pain, and the rehabilitation that is required!While the rotator cuff is most commonly injured - either a strain, tendinopathy, or tear- other issues can also cause shoulder pain.

Bursitis, impingement, labrum, bankart injuries and dislocations (like the one I had - OUCH!), just to name a few.

Bottom line: if you are dealing with a shoulder problem, we can help!

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow (and golfers elbow) does not only affect tennis players and golfers!

Elbow pain can range from a slight annoyance to making it impossible to grab anything. Even turning a door handle can be painful!

Many methods fail to appropriately treat elbow pain because they simply stop at pain reduction. To make lasting change, you need pain reduction strategies, an appropriate tissue loading and strengthening approach, along with a thought out approach to managing the bio-mechanical stressors affecting your elbow.

Bottom line: we can help get rid of your elbow pain, even if others could not!

Hand & Wrist Pain

Hand and wrist pain can come in many shapes and sizes. For some people it is a mild inconvenience.

For others, they are completely handicapped. Not being able to use their hand for anything due to the pain.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we can help solve your hand and wrist pain. From sprain/strains, to tendonitis, pulley ruptures, and more. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common peripheral nerve injuries. It is caused by compression of the median nerve inside of the carpal tunnel - your wrist.

Let me ask you: does your hand go numb at night? While working, typing, or grabbing things? Are you dropping stuff? Do your hands feel clumsy? Are your hands numb, burning, or tingling?

If yes, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. I have found that mild to moderate cases of carpal tunnel syndrome can be effectively treated without surgery or shots. Severe cases can also be treated, however, it is much more challenging, and takes much longer.

Often patients re not willing to do what needs to be done, and surgery is required.

This is why it is so important to treat carpal tunnel syndrome BEFORE it becomes severe. Fortunately, at Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help!

Hip Pain

Hip pain does not just affect seniors. I've successfully treated children, young adults, and not - so - young adults successfully for their hip pain.

There are many possible causes of hip pain. These include problems with the joints, muscles, tendon's, bursae, and nerves.

Many people with hip pain think it is due to arthritis. While this does occur, it is not as common as people believe, especially under 50.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we assess, diagnose and successfully treat all causes of hip pain on a daily basis.

If you are struggling with hip pain, you owe it to yourself to get it under control. We can help get you there!

Ankle Pain

Ankle pain and injuries can severely affect your mobility, and ability to function in every day life.

If severe enough, you can't even put any weight on it. While most ankle injuries get better on their own, some require extensive therapy.

You certainly don't want to end up having a chronic ankle sprain! Where nearly every other day your ankle gives out from just stepping off the curb.

The good news is at Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, we can help you with even the most severe of ankle sprains. Even the chronic ankle sprain that your just sick and tired of dealing with.

Plantar Fasciitis & Foot Pain

If you have been experiencing heel pain those first few steps in the morning, you may have plantar fasciitis.

Sometimes it feels like you are stepping on a marble, or even a nail. If it gets worse, the pain starts to travel into the arch of your foot, and starts to affect you throughout the day. No longer just those first few steps.

Some people with plantar fasciitis walk like they are walking on broken glass!

Fortunately at Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we have all the tools needed to get you back on your feet - pain free!

Neck Arthritis

Constant discomfort and pain that accompanies neck arthritis shouldn't hinder your daily joys and independence.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". Wrong.

You can get better. You can have better mobility, flexibility, less pain - possibly even no pain!Say goodbye to frustration and fear, and hello to a life of improved mobility and vitality - and feel 10 years younger.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you on your journey towards long-term relief and freedom. 

Back Arthritis

Constant discomfort and pain from back arthritis shouldn't hinder your daily joys and independence. Stop letting your back pain decide what your plans are for your day.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". 


It can get better! Better mobility, flexibility, less pain - possibly even no pain!

Say goodbye to the frustration and fear, and hello to a life of improved mobility and vitality - and to feeling 10 years younger.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you on your journey towards long-term relief!

Hip Arthritis

Hip arthritis can be brutal. The slow onset of stiffness, achiness...then one day the pain starts.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". You may have been told that you aren't bad enough for surgery, and to just suck it up.

Maybe you've been told you need surgery...but now what do you do during the 18month wait list?

Told there is nothing else you can do?Wrong.

It can get better! Better mobility, flexibility, less pain - possibly even no pain!At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you with your hip arthritis, and help you on your journey towards long-term relief!

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis can be brutal. The slow onset of stiffness, achiness...then one day the pain starts.Limping, dragging your leg...have to take stairs? Forget about it.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". You may have been told that you aren't bad enough for surgery, and to just suck it up.

Maybe you've been told you need surgery...but now what do you do during the 18 month wait list? Told there is nothing else you can do?


It can get better! Better mobility, flexibility, less pain - possibly even no pain!Many of my patients are now running up stairs!

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you with your knee arthritis, and help you on your journey towards long-term relief!

Ankle Arthritis

Ankle arthritis is very rare, unless you've had a bad ankle injury in your past.

It can be constant, and completely stop you from being able to walk.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". You may have been told that you aren't bad enough for surgery, and to just suck it up.

Maybe you've been told you need surgery...but now what do you do during the 18 month wait list? Told there is nothing else you can do?


At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you with your ankle arthritis, and help you on your journey towards long-term relief!

Shoulder Arthritis

Shoulder arthritis is common. Especially if you've had a history of a shoulder injury, fracture, or chronic rotator cuff problems.

The pain can be constant, and stop you from being able to use your arm!

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". You may have been told that you aren't bad enough for surgery, and to just suck it up.

Maybe you've been told you need surgery...but now what do you do during the 18 month wait list?

Told there is nothing else you can do? Wrong.

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you with your shoulder arthritis, and help you on your journey towards long-term relief, and be able to use your arm again!

Wrist & Hand Arthritis

Wrist and hand arthritis is very common, affecting millions of Canadians.

It impacts your day, and quality of life.Opening jars, doors, buttoning buttons, brushing your hair...nearly everything you do that uses your hands becomes a struggle, if not impossible.

You have likely been told, or may think that there is 'nothing you can do about it". You may have been told that there is nothing that you can do.


At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness we can help you with your wrist and hand arthritis, and help you on your journey towards long-term relief!

"Here to make you feel pawsome!"

"Hey there, friend! When you walk through our doors, you're not just another patient—you’re part of our pack! I have a warm, welcoming space where the humans really know how to take care of you. Whether you’re aching or just need a little boost, you’ll find comfort here, and maybe even my wagging tail to greet you!"

  • One of Edmonton's 3 chiropractic orthopaedic specialists

  • Direct billing

  • PhD in Tail Wags, with a speciality in making you smile

  • Open evenings, and Saturday

Murphy - Puppy Overlord and Clinic Mascot

Meet the Chiropractors, Massage therapists and Team at

Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness

Dr. Todd Berg

Dr. Joseph Tanti




Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

Yes! We direct bill most insurance companies. While there are a few plans that do not allow us to direct bill, most do.

Here is a list of all of the insurance companies we accept:

Alberta Blue Cross

Benefit Plan Administrators - BPA

Blue Cross

Canada Life

Canada Construction Workers Union

Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance


Claim Secure

CowanD.A. Townley

Desjardins Insurance

First Canadian

GMS Carrier 49, 50

Great West Life

Green Shield

Group Health

Group Source

Industrial Alliance

Johnson Inc.

Johnston Group Inc.

La Capital and Financial Services

LiUNA Local 83, 506



Maximum Benefit

People Corporation

R.C.M.P. (Blue Cross)

RWAM Insurance Administrators

Sun Life Financial

TELUS AdjudiCare

Union Benefits

V.A.C. (Blue Cross)


Motor Vehicle Collisions

What problems can chiropractic and massage therapy treat?

At Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness, our chiropractors and massage therapists commonly treat problems with the spine, joints, and arthritis.

This includes neck pain, headaches, back pain, disc injuries, shoulder injuries and more.I often tell people, if you are hurt or injured somewhere between your head and your toes, we can probably help!

If you have an organ problem (i.e. a heart attack, stomach ulcer, etc) go to the hospital!

Is treatment safe?

Because chiropractic is non-invasive, the risk of a serious side effect is extremely low. While most people feel a sense of relief, it is possible that following chiropractic manipulations you may experience mild soreness that should go away quickly.

Before you have a chiropractic treatment, ask to discuss any concerns you have with us. If you have any severe or lasting effects or concerns over when to stop chiropractic treatment, talk to us and let us know.

We always work with you, do what is safe and at your comfort level.

Is there any evidence for chiropractic? I heard it is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo...

Chiropractic care is evidence-based. National and international researchers, both within and outside the chiropractic profession, are actively involved in studying the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic for patient care.

In fact, there is a chiropractic PhD in universities in every province across Canada! The Alberta Chiropractic association supports  ongoing Alberta research as well as national research from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline initiative.

This growing body of evidence continues to prove the value of chiropractic care with consistently high marks for clinical effectiveness, cost efficiency and patient satisfaction.

If you would like to explore research, please visit the World Federation of Chiropractic’s suggested reading list and the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative’s website.

When should I see a chiropractor or massage therapist?

There are many reasons people see a chiropractor and massage therapist. Stress relief, sports performance, however most people start seeing a chiropractor or massage therapist because of pain or injury.

If you are struggling with sporadic or chronic pain, a chiropractor and massage therapist may be able to help. You do not require a referral to visit a chiropractor or massage therapist. There are a few insurance plans that require a referral for massage therapy to be covered by insurance, but not many. Check your plan for details, or give us a call.

Some people see a chiropractor and massage therapist to avoid having pain in the first place. Like visiting your dentist, and getting your teeth cleaned for 'maintenance', some people find this approach helpful.

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608 Riverbend Square NW, Edmonton, AB T6R 2E3, Canada

Helping you move, look and feel 10 years younger, with better health and quality of life - Drug Free!


Monday 8:00 - 6:00

Tuesday 2:00 - 5:00

Wednesday 8:00 - 6:00

Thursday 2:00 - 7:00

Friday 8:00 - 4:00

Saturday 9:00 - 12:00

*Closed 12-2 for lunch

608 Riverbend Square NW, Edmonton Alberta T6R2E3

© 2024 Riverbend Chiropractic & Wellness - All Rights Reserved